Thousands of years ago I used to sell colour-coded clothing by party plan. We were taught to demonstrate how you only needed a few key pieces from this range to cater for a plethora of occasions just by accessorising with different jewellery, scarves and belts.
We also had some great insider personal styling tips for our customers, including a particular stonker with a beer mat and a rubber band! I’ll tell you more about those in ‘Accessories – the secret weapons of the world’s top stylists‘ which is one of the brand-new Step-by-Step Academy masterclasses.
I got talked into it!
All my customers knew that I offered colour and style services as well and loved the styling tips I gave out at the clothing presentations so much that they asked me to run a workshop specifically about accessories. To this day, I have no idea how they persuaded me because accessories are so not my thing! At that time:
- I never wore scarves
- I stuck to one ring, one watch, and either a necklace or a pair of earrings, but never both at the same time!
- I used a belt purely and simply to keep my trousers up
- Pashminas had just hit the shops and, quite frankly, I used to look at the huge amount of fabric and wonder what the flippin’ heck I was going to do with it all!
Yes, of course, my training in style had covered accessories but, to be honest, I think I must have dozed off in those sessions because I found myself frantically searching for my notes to try and cram the subject. Why? Because 5 ladies had signed up on the spot and 3 of them were bringing a friend.
I had 8 paying clients all expecting me to educate and advise them and I didn’t know the difference between a Rose knot and a Sailor Knot! So I did the only thing a good teacher can do…
I invited two of my most perfect clients who virtually dripped with accessories everywhere they went. They each brought a box of their own accessories, put them in the middle of the floor, and completely took over the whole workshop.
I have never written so fast in my life. I picked up so much that day and even learned how to tie a pashmina. I also disovered pashminas are definitely not for me but at least I knew how to teach my Romantic and Classic clients how to wear one! After that, I was on a roll.
My new accessories workshop revitalised my business
From what I learned that day, I created a fabulous accessories workshop that I could run on my own! I held them at least 3 times every year:
- once at the beginning of each fashion season
- and again to help clients pack for a holiday
for 4 different groups that I was working with at the time. That’s 12 workshops every year, with a minimum of 6 people at each, for a total of 72 customers – most of whom booked for other colour and style services and all of them gave me referrals!
If you want a quick way to find customers and revitalise your business, then this could be it!
I revitalised the way I dressed too
And what I learned about accessories helped me personally too. I realised that I had been playing the safe approach of ‘no-idea-what-I’m-doing-with-accessories’. From my training notes, I found a fab, fun little exercise* that I did with all my clients to help them work out how many accessories would be just right for their style personality.
You should see the multitude of accessories I wear now as a full-blown Romantically Dramatic Classic!
I’ll tell you more about what all the different style personalities can wear in the accessories masterclass itself – or I’ll be here all night and I rather fancy some poached eggs on toast and a large gin and tonic, if you don’t mind!
Accessories workshops turned my business around
And they could do the same for you. Accessories – the secret weapons of the world’s top stylists is just one of the masterclasses in our brand-new Step-by-Step Academy and in the masterclass I share all those accessories styling tips I learned:
- from real-life accessory-wearing experts
- for myself and how that changed the way I dressed
- I’ll also include my fab, fun accessories exercise for you to use with your own clients
- from my own image mentors and favourite stylists
- about what accessories each of the different Style Personalities wear best
There’s also a workbook to help you create your own workshop and get even more clients. You’ll learn how to show your clients how to use a few simple accessories to create a stylish, co-ordinated look, that brings out their personality and flatters their body shape.
This one masterclass on its own will help you get more leads, more clients, and more sales. And that’s only one of the masterclasses in my brand-new Step-by-Step Academy…
A fresh, new look at all things colour and style.