Blumenburga sent me this question,
Kim, I have been asked to speak about colour analysis at a ladies business talk. I’m as scared as…! Where do I start? What do I include and not include for a 20 minute presentation? Please help.
Dear Blumenburga, Excuse me being blunt, but that’s the way I am, you’re starting at the wrong end. The first question you should ask yourself is what do you want out of this presentation? Do you want:
- to get your name known locally
- to get some sales
- to build your prospect list
- to do a favour for a friend
- to raise money for charity…?
What on earth can you say in a mere 20 minutes? It would take me the entire 20 minutes to introduce myself, make my offer, and deliver my conclusion! Frankly, I would point-blank refuse a 20 minute slot. I’m worth a lot more than that, and so are you. Demonstrate that you’re a professional by setting down your parameters and tell them to ask you again when they can offer you a 45 minutes or more.
Don’t be boring!
If you decide to go ahead, whatever you do, don’t do the usual boring image consultant talk.
I’m Blumenburga, and when you come to have your colours done, I will show you your best neutrals, your best accent colours. Blah, blah, blah…
Boring! You need, instead, to develop something colourful that is extremely quick, extremely to the point, and extremely memorable. So tell a story of a client who experienced huge changes, and I mean the changes have to be huge, awe-inspiring and totally memorable.
If it’s funny, and you are confident enough to deliver humour, all the better. Or get them playing a game, or moving round the room. Anything different, so that they’ll never forget you. If I assume that you’re looking to find customers, and make sales, then you need to establish your integrity, your personality, and how, when they consult you, you will absolutely change their lives.
You’ll need more than a miracle
You’re going to have to borrow Hermione Granger’s time-turner to achieve all that in 20 minutes. So go for making a lasting impression, and offer to stay around afterwards to talk to people individually. I would offer to speak to “those who’d like to know a little more about colour itself” afterwards in a different room, or in a corner of the room, and make sure that you get a group of people around you.
The colour content or aspect is not important. You haven’t got time for that. Give them a taste of you instead because they won’t be coming to you for colour analysis anyway; they’re coming for confidence. Can you deliver confidence to your colour clients when they come to you one-to-one?
Can you deliver confidence?
Yes? Then demonstrate that’s exactly what they’ll get.
Does that help, or have I totally put you off your cornflakes now?
I’ve just been talking and writing about all this, and loads more, in my masterclass ‘Colour presentations to explode your business‘ where we take a fresh look at the way you introduce potential clients to your colour analysis services by creating your very own signature presentation or talk about colour. In the masterclass Colour presentations to explode your business we look at:
- The purpose of the presentation
- Suggestions for content
- Why you should create a signature talk
Use my scripts!
I’ve included two of my own scripts for you to copy or tinker around with and make your own. I’ve never done this before, so I hope you like it. There’s a workbook to help you create your own signature presentation or talk, and some homework to encourage you to get out there and get on with it!
And that’s just one of the masterclasses in the Step-by-Step Academy.
A fresh, new look at all things colour and style.